Cyrus II de Grote , geb. omstreeks 600 of 576 BC (??) te Anshan (Perzië, Iran), ovl. omstreeks 530 BC te bij de Syr Darya, begr. te Pasargadae (Perzië, Iran), Bron Wikipedia Oudheid, zoon van Cambyses I en Mandane van Media met:
Amitis Shahbanu , geb. Geschat 559 BC te (...), ovl. te Takht-e Soleymān (Pasargadae, Perzië), Bron Wikipedia Oudheid, dochter van mog. Sjah Astiak van Mād (=Media ?) en N.N.
Shahbanu betekent keizerin (eigenlijk: vrouwe van de sjah) (zie: en ); in de moderne tijd is deze term alleen voor Farah Pahlavi (=Farah Diba), geb, 14 oktober 1938), gebezigd, de vrouw van Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (26 oktober 1919 - 27 juli 1980), sjah van Perzie.
Bronnen aangaande het bestaan van Amitis:
- Herodotus
Wellicht is Amitis dezelfde vrouw als Neithiyti (= Nitetis) van Egypte ?
1) Atossa , geb. omstreeks 545 BC, ovl. omstreeks 475 BC, Bron Wikipedia Oudheid
Mogelijk is Cassandane de moeder van Atossa (zie:
Darius I de Grote van Perzië, geb. omstreeks 550 BC, ovl. omstreeks 486 BC, Bron Wikipedia Oudheid, zoon van Hystaspes van Perzië en Rhodogune
Darius also married Artystone, another daughter of Cyrus, with whom he had two sons, Arsames and Gobryas. Darius also married Parmys, the daughter of Bardiya, with whom he had a son, Ariomardos. Furth ermore, Darius married Phratagone, with whom he had two sons, Abrokomas and Hyperantes. Before these royal marriages, Darius married a commoner with whom he had three sons, Artobarzanes(the first born ), Arabignes and Arsamenes, while daughters are not known. Although Artobarzanes was the first born of Darius, Xerxes became heir and next king through the influence of Atossa, who had great authority in the kingdom, as Darius loved her, of all of his wives, most.

2) prinses Artystone van Perzië, geb. te (...), ovl. te (...), Bron Wikipedia Oudheid
Mogelijk is de moeder van Artustone een andere dan Amytis.
Darius I de Grote van Perzië, geb. omstreeks 550 BC, ovl. omstreeks 486 BC, Bron Wikipedia Oudheid, zoon van Hystaspes van Perzië en Rhodogune
Darius also married Artystone, another daughter of Cyrus, with whom he had two sons, Arsames and Gobryas. Darius also married Parmys, the daughter of Bardiya, with whom he had a son, Ariomardos. Furth ermore, Darius married Phratagone, with whom he had two sons, Abrokomas and Hyperantes. Before these royal marriages, Darius married a commoner with whom he had three sons, Artobarzanes(the first born ), Arabignes and Arsamenes, while daughters are not known. Although Artobarzanes was the first born of Darius, Xerxes became heir and next king through the influence of Atossa, who had great authority in the kingdom, as Darius loved her, of all of his wives, most.


Cyrus II de Grote met:
Cassandane , geb. te (...), ovl. te (...), Bron Wikipedia Oudheid
1) Cambyses II , geb. te (...), ovl. omstreeks 522 BC, Bron Wikipedia Oudheid
Hoofdindex A-Z